L-1 Blanket Visa

Expanding into the United States with a new American office can be an exciting and promising prospect for many companies. To streamline this transition and maintain high levels of productivity, it may be necessary to staff these new offices with the most talented managers, executives, and employees. However, filing a new L-1 visa application for each worker may seem daunting – especially with unpredictable wait times, delays, and a range of other issues.

Fortunately, the L-1 blanket visa allows companies to relocate entire qualifying teams to American branches without having to file a new form for each individual worker. With this strategy, it is easier to operate and expand a new US-based branch with a steady supply of talented individuals.

How easy is it to obtain an L-1 blanket visa? What are the steps involved? How is eligibility determined? While an online article can help answer some of these questions, each company has unique priorities. These needs are best addressed by qualified immigration lawyers who create customized work-permit strategies based on specific business goals and timelines.

Reach out to Naya Immigration today to learn more about the L-1 blanket visa and how we can help you navigate immigration laws.

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A Brief Primer on L-1 Visas

It is easier to understand the purpose and benefit of an L-1 blanket visa with a complete understanding of L-1 visas in general. The L-1 visa program allows companies to transfer foreign workers to US-based offices, branches, or subsidiaries under certain circumstances. These workers must have certain skills or leadership roles within the company, and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) only issues L-1 visas to managers, executives, or knowledgeable workers. These workers may be challenging or time-consuming to locate and hire within the United States.

In most cases, L-1 visas help foreign companies that have existing branches in the United States. However, an L-1 visa can also help a foreign company send a manager or executive into the United States to set up a new branch or subsidiary – even if the company has zero presence in the United States at the time of its L-1 visa application. Finally, an American company can also use an L-1 visa to bring a foreign worker into the United States from an office in a different country.

There are two different types of L-1 (intracompany transferee) visas: The L-1A and the L-1B. The L-1A is for managers and executives, while the L-1-B is for knowledgeable workers. While there are slightly different requirements associated with each, both visas essentially perform the same function.

L-1 Blanket Petitions Explained

Although the L-1 visas offer numerous advantages for companies establishing and maintaining their presence in the United States, it can be time-consuming and complex to file a new Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker (Form I-129) for each employee sent Stateside. This may be especially problematic for companies planning to send hundreds or even thousands of workers to the United States to expand new subsidiaries – including skilled technicians, analysts, executives, and managers who understand exactly how the company operates.

Recognizing this potential issue, USCIS gives companies the option to file L-1 blanket petitions. If USCIS approves this petition, companies can transfer certain workers to US-based offices without filing individual L-1 petitions. Not only does this allow the company to immediately staff an existing subsidiary with the necessary workers, but it also allows them to expand as needed with a steady supply of new workers. After an approved blanket petition, a foreign company can also transfer numerous employees to the United States at one time without waiting for official approval from USCIS.

While there are still a few steps to carry out after the approval of a blanket petition, the employer only needs to print and complete Form I-129S for each transferred employee. This form is also known as the “Nonimmigrant Petition Based on Blanket L Petition.” After also providing the employee with a copy of the blanket petition Approval Notice, the employer is free to send the worker to the United States for their new assignment.

Once they arrive Stateside, they will need to present these two documents (the Approval Notice and Form I-129S) to a consular officer. Note that the consular officer will closely examine these documents in order to determine whether the worker is eligible for an L-1 visa. Although the blanket petition can help streamline the transfer of employees, it does not guarantee their approval. Perhaps most notably, it does not allow you to send employees who are not eligible to receive L-1 visas – namely those who are not executives, managers, or knowledgeable workers. This is why it is important to understand the details of L-1B and L-1A visas before you consider L-1 blanket petitions.

The Advantages of L-1 Blanket Petitions

There are numerous advantages associated with L-1 blanket petitions. Perhaps the most notable advantage is the amount of time companies can save when transferring their employees to US-based offices. With an approved blanket petition, it may take only a few days or weeks to relocate employees and put them to work. In contrast, company leaders may need to wait several months before gaining approval for individual L-1 visa applications.

There is also an inherent degree of complexity involved with filing numerous L-1 visa applications instead of filing a single L-1 blanket petition. And, qualifying organizations could incur higher fees for numerous visa applications. They might also find themselves paying their immigration lawyers higher sums for assistance with numerous filings. For this reason, the most professional immigration lawyers often recommend blanket petitions as a way to help their clients reduce costs.

At the end of the day, blanket petitions help you address the inevitably unpredictable nature of doing business. What happens when your product suddenly sees a surge in demand, necessitating the need for dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of new skilled workers to seize on this opportunity? What if your company suddenly experiences a cyberattack, requiring you to fly in a team of cybersecurity experts? There is no way of telling when these sudden changes will occur – and an L-1 blanket petition gives you the freedom and flexibility to react efficiently and expediently without waiting for permission.

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Blanket L-1 Visa Requirements

Blanket L-1 visas only cover employees who are eligible for either L-1A or L-1B visas. These include managers, executives, and knowledgeable workers. For more information on how USCIS defines managers, executives, and knowledgeable workers, consider speaking with a qualified immigration lawyer. In addition, both the foreign company and the US-based office must be engaged in some kind of commercial trade or services. This US-based office must have been doing business in the United States for at least one year, and the foreign company must have at least three domestic and foreign branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates.

Finally, the foreign company must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • The company has successfully obtained 10 L-1 visas over the past year
  • The company has US-based offices with combined annual sales of at least $25 million
  • The company has a US-based workforce of at least 1,000 employees

In summary, these requirements prevent companies from using L-1 blanket petitions to establish new subsidiaries. If a US-based subsidiary does not yet exist, the company must file individual L-1 visa applications and send individual employees to establish one. Note that these visas have shorter durations and slightly different requirements compared to other L-1 visas. In addition, it should be clear that L-1 blanket petitions are geared toward fairly well-established companies – often with thousands of workers, millions of dollars in annual sales, and a track record of operations in the United States. In other words, the L-1 blanket visa is not for small businesses.

Validity and Extensions for L-1 Blanket Visas

Like most L-1 visas, the L-1 blanket petition is valid for three years. However, the petition may be extended indefinitely.

How Long Does It Take to Get an L-1 Blanket Visa?

The USCIS may take several months to approve your L-1 blanket visa petition. Mistakes and omissions may cause delays, and it makes sense to have your petition reviewed by a qualified immigration lawyer before you submit it. If USCIS rejects your blanket petition, you may need to wait several months before trying again. This highlights the need to apply efficiently alongside immigration lawyers, as a rejected blanket petition could severely affect your expansion strategy.

L-1 Blanket Premium Processing

While it may take several months to hear back about your L-1 blanket petition, you can streamline this process by paying an additional fee of $2,500 to USCIS. This will provide you with Premium Processing, ensuring a decision within 15 days.

What Happens After USCIS Approves a L-1 Blanket Petition?

After obtaining an approved L-1 blanket visa petition, you must provide your worker with a completed Form I-129S and a copy of your Approval Notice. Your employee may need to prepare themselves for a consular interview upon arrival in the United States. Some interviews can be strict and in-depth, while others are relatively routine.

Perhaps most importantly, your employee may need to provide supporting documentation that proves they meet the definition of a manager, executive, or knowledgeable worker. Note that knowledgeable workers must have at least one year of experience working abroad for a subsidiary or branch. They must also prove that their expertise applies specifically to international markets.

The nature of this interview may depend on the national origin of the employee. Some nationalities are viewed with more diligence than others, including Chinese, Russians, or Iranians. If a country has a high number of L-1 applications within a fiscal year, consular officers may be more strict towards workers from this nation.

L-1 Blanket Petitions for Canadians

All Canadians are exempt from L-1 visa requirements due to existing treaties with the United States. However, they may still fill out Form I-129S and provide supporting documentation to Customs and Border Protection Officers if they wish to gain L-1 status. This may be advantageous in some situations, especially if the Canadian worker wishes to use their L-1 status as a pathway to permanent residency or citizenship in the future.

Contact An Immigration Lawyer

While an L-1 blanket visa offers many advantages to companies expanding into the United States, it is important to execute this strategy in the most efficient manner possible. Small mistakes can lead to serious delays – negating the time-saving benefits of the L-1 blanket petition. Naya Immigration has been helping companies and entrepreneurs with various immigration-related issues for years – including the L-1 blanket visa.

We understand that expanding into the United States can be an exciting yet risky prospect. We also recognize the need to staff your new offices with knowledgeable experts, skilled executives, and talented managers. With an effective L-1 blanket visa strategy, you can mitigate the risks associated with American expansion while cutting down on needless visa paperwork. Take full advantage of America’s welcoming stance toward business investment and ensure positive results in a short timeframe.

Book a consultation today with an immigration attorney to discuss your first steps toward a successful L-1 blanket visa petition.


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