Although the State Department issues hundreds of thousands of employment visas each year, it only awards a relatively small number of EB-1B visas for academic high-achievers.
If you have demonstrated outstanding achievement in your academic journey, this type of visa may allow you to live and work in the United States for an extended period of time. A qualified EB-1B visa lawyer can assess your eligibility, guide you through the application process, and address any issues you encounter along the way.
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about the role of an EB-1B visa lawyer, including eligibility requirements for applicants, examples of how an applicant could meet the necessary criteria, advantages offered by this particular visa, and other facts about this EB-1 category of visa.
Not sure who to contact for help? Naya Immigration is here to help. Reach out to our law firm today to receive top-tier legal advice from professionals who specialize in immigration law, including the EB-1B visa.

Understanding the EB-1B Visa
The EB-1B falls under the general category of employment-based visas. The E1 or “first preference” sub-category targets priority workers and “persons of extraordinary ability.” Although executives, athletes, and performing arts professionals may apply for different E1 visas, the EB-1B visa specifically applies to outstanding professors and researchers.
How to Qualify for an EB-1B Visa
To qualify for the EB-1B visa, you must prove that you carry at least a small degree of international acclaim for your contributions to the academic world. Additionally, you must have three years of experience in a specific field of study as a teacher or researcher.
Furthermore, you must enter the United States with the stated goal of pursuing tenure or research opportunities through an educational institution. However, it’s important to note that researchers may pursue employment through private American companies instead.
EB-1B Criteria & Requirements
To qualify for an EB-1B visa, you must meet a variety of requirements. This section will discuss the criteria for visa approval, but to truly confirm your eligibility, it’s a good idea to speak with an experienced EB-1B attorney.
The Offer of Employment
First, you must show that you received an offer of employment. Eligible employers include universities, higher education institutions, and American companies with a minimum of three full-time researchers.
The Six EB-1B Criteria
There are six main EB-1B criteria to consider. However, you only need to satisfy two of the following six requirements to qualify:
- You won major prizes or awards for your contributions to the academic world.
- You are a member of an association for academic professionals.
- Material(s) published in professional publications cite your work.
- You served as a “judge of the work of others” in a particular academic field of study.
- You made original contributions to a particular academic field of study.
- You authored scholarly papers/books published in international scholarly journals.
Unsure of whether or not you satisfy at least two of these criteria? Determining eligibility can be difficult on your own. Reach out to an employment-based immigration lawyer for guidance.
Examples of How Applicants Meet This Criteria
Examples of “recognized prizes or awards” include the Pulitzer Prize, the Turing Award, the Wolfson History Prize, the Breakthrough Prize, and many others. If you’re not sure whether a past award will help you qualify for the EB-1B visa, discuss your situation in more detail with a legal professional.
There are also many examples of associations for academic professionals and researchers. These include the Association for Institutional Research, the European Association for Neurological Surgeons, and the Royal Society of Canada. Note that these associations must only offer membership to those who have made remarkable contributions in their respective fields. If the association accepts non-academics, membership may not meet the EB-1B requirements.
A “judge of the work of others” may be someone who decides who should receive certain academic prizes or awards. Participation in this process, whether you acted as an individual judge or served on a panel, may be enough to secure your eligibility.
Lastly, you may be able to submit proof of an “original contribution,” which is clearly defined in the academic world, as well as a common requirement for doctorate students. Academics may address gaps in existing theory or literature, or they may present entirely new inventions, innovations, or ideas. highlights a study linking social media usage to academic performance as an example of an original contribution. Most doctorate students meet multiple EB-1B visa requirements as a result of the work they have already published.
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EB-1B Visa Advantages
EB-1B visas have the same advantages as all immigrant visas. These renewable visas have 10-year expiry dates, allowing you to freely enter and exit the country. Unlike many other types of employment visas, however, there is no need to provide a labor certification when applying for an EB-1B visa.
Once you receive your EB-1B visa, your children and spouse become eligible for their own green cards, allowing you to bring your immediate family to the United States. Once they arrive, your family members can work and attend school without any issues.
Generally speaking, it is easier to obtain an EB-1B visa compared to an EB-1A visa. While the EB-1A visa is for “extraordinary” individuals, the EB-1B visa simply requires some degree of international renown.
The EB-1B Process
The first step in the EB-1B process is to obtain an offer of employment, either from an educational institution or a private company. Professors who wish to teach at universities or an “institution of higher education” may wish to apply for various positions in their home nations before moving forward with their visa applications, as EB-1B approval requires you to obtain a tenure-track position rather than an adjunct or temporary one.
Researchers can either obtain job offers from educational institutions or private companies. However, a job offer from a private company must be related to research in your specific field of study, and the company must have made past accomplishments in your field of study.
After providing a foreign worker with an offer of employment, a U.S. employer must also file a Form I-140 on their behalf. Also known as the “Petition for Alien Worker,” this form should include evidence the prospective employee meets the various requirements. For example, the employer might provide supporting documentation of awards or published work. They must also prove that they are financially capable of paying the worker a long-term wage.
A qualified EB-1B visa lawyer can streamline communication between you, your prospective employer, and USCIS while ensuring that each party meets their various requirements. Companies who wish to hire EB-1B visa applicants may also contact immigration lawyers directly to begin this process efficiently.
EB-1B Premium Processing
For an additional fee, you can purchase EB-1B Premium Processing. Doing so speeds up your application process by ensuring an initial decision within 15 days. Without premium processing, you might need to wait several months before receiving a decision.
Streamlining this initial decision can be advantageous, as some EB-1B visa applicants have waited years before finally receiving their green cards. Even minor errors can lead to lengthy delays, which is why it’s always a good idea to have an immigration lawyer check over your EB-1B application before submitting it.
Naya Immigration: EB-1B Visa Lawyers & Top-Tier Immigration Services
By pursuing an EB-1B visa, you can continue to benefit from your outstanding academic career. A qualified immigration attorney can help you demonstrate your various achievements and establish your eligibility for a green card. The United States is committed to attracting extraordinary individuals from around the world, but there are only 40,000 spots available each year for EB-1 visas. Work with Naya Immigration to maximize your chances of securing your green card and your place in the United States today.
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