F2B Visa Lawyer

Are you a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. whose adult children are still abroad?

The F2B visa lawyer at Naya Immigration can help you work toward achieving your dream of bringing your family together in America. 

Being a lawful permanent resident (LPR) in the United States comes with a number of perks, including the ability to help your family members immigrate to the U.S. through family-based visas. One such visa is known as the F2B visa, which allows LPRs to sponsor unmarried adult children (over the age of 21) for immigration.

At Naya Immigration, we understand how lonely you may feel without your children here in the United States. There is nothing that compares to the joy of having your kids around. That is why we are dedicated to helping green card holders reunite with their loved ones through family-based visas.

Our F2B visa lawyer has the necessary expertise and knowledge to provide high-quality legal representation and works relentlessly to bring families back together as quickly as possible. Whether you are a parent with a green card in the U.S. or an adult child living abroad, we can assist you through all the steps of the F2B visa application process.

Want to bring your adult child to the U.S. or reunite with your parents in America? Contact Naya Immigration to receive answers to your questions and get started on your case today. 

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F2B Immigrant Visa Overview

The F2B visa is a family preference visa that allows lawful permanent residents (LPRs) to bring their adult children to the U.S. This visa is only available to the unmarried sons and daughters of LPRs if they are unmarried and aged 21 or older.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recognizes four different categories for family preference visas designed to allow U.S. citizens and LPRs to petition qualifying relatives to immigrate to the U.S. The F2B visa falls under the second category of family preference green cards along with the F2A visa, which is available to children under the age of 21 and spouses of LPRs.

All family preference visas are subject to an annual visa issuance cap. Under 8 U.S.C. § 1151(c), 226,000 family-based green cards are issued to family members of U.S. citizens and LPRs per year, of which only 26,266 (over 11%) are allocated to the F2B visa category. When the annual limit is reached, applicants whose green card has not been made available must wait until their priority date is current.

  • Note: Typically, the wait time for F2B visas is much longer than for other family-based green cards due to the relatively low number of visas allocated to this category per year.

Requirements for an F2B Visa

The sponsor (the parent/LPR) and the beneficiary (the foreign-born child) must meet certain requirements to qualify for the F2B visa. The eligibility criteria for the child include:

  • Be unmarried; and
  • Be at least 21 years of age (children under the age of 21 qualify for the F2A visa).

The parent who files a petition on behalf of their adult sons and daughters must:

  • Be a lawful permanent resident of the United States;
  • Be the parent of the beneficiary they are seeking to sponsor through the F2B visa (the relationship must be proven by a birth certificate or an adoption decree for adopted children);
  • Have a valid address in the United States that the USCIS can verify;
  • Have adequate income to support their adult child in the U.S.; and
  • Meet a minimum income level (at least 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines). If unable to meet minimum income level, consider finding a joint sponsor.

Each year, thousands of petitions are filed where the sponsor or their beneficiary does not meet the eligibility requirements. You might want to speak with an F2B visa lawyer to discuss your specific situation and determine if you qualify for the visa. Our lawyer at Naya Immigration can help you gather the necessary documents for your petition and application and navigate the U.S. immigration system to improve your chances of success.

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F2B Visa Application Process

Only the lawful permanent resident, as the parent of a foreign-born child aged 21 years old or older, can initiate the F2B visa application process. The first step involves filling out Form I-130 (Petition for Alien Relative) and submitting it to the USCIS for processing. The processing time can take from several weeks to several months depending on the backlog in the F2B visa category.

After the USCIS approves the petition, the beneficiary (the adult child) will receive instructions about their next steps. Typically, the next step in the process is to apply for the F2B visa at the U.S. embassy or consulate in their home country. The F2B visa application process will also require the applicant to undergo consular processing outside of the U.S. or adjustment of status if they are currently in the U.S. The interview is one of the most important and complicated parts of getting the F2B visa, which is why it may be a good idea to seek the assistance of a lawyer to prepare for the interview.

F2B Visa Lawyer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The process of obtaining an F2B visa may seem confusing and intimidating for both the parent and the child they are looking to sponsor. Here are a few commonly asked questions about the process:

What is the F2B visa?

F2B visas are family preference visas issued to sons and daughters (unmarried and aged 21 or older) of lawful permanent residents to allow them to come to the U.S. and reunite with their parents.

How to apply for an F2B visa?

A lawful permanent resident must file the I-130 petition on behalf of their adult child to initiate the process. Once the petition has been approved by the USCIS, the child (called the “applicant”) will participate in the application process that involves attending an interview.

How long does an F2B visa take?

The processing time for F2B visa petitions is typically longer than for petitions in the F2A category due to the annual cap on the number of visas issued. Within the F2 category, 77% of the visas are allocated to F2A visas compared to only 23% for F2B visas. Depending on the number of F2B visa applications filed in a given year, the processing time typically ranges anywhere from 2 to 10 years. Visa applications are processed by the USCIS in a chronological manner, which means the processing time depends on how many people filed their applications before you.

Get Help from a F2A Visa Lawyer at Naya Immigration

At Naya Immigration, we understand the hardships people endure when they cannot have their children around after immigrating to the United States. Many immigrants believe they cannot bring their children to the U.S. if the kids are 21 years old or older. However, thanks to the F2B visa, you do not have to give up the hope of bringing your adult child to the U.S.

Our immigration lawyer is here to help you manage the legal uncertainties and bureaucratic challenges that stand in the way of reuniting with your kids. We provide the support and guidance you need to achieve a successful reunification and move through every stage of the application process with ease and confidence. Reach out to Naya Immigration today to request a consultation and discuss how we can help you.

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