8 New Fields Added to DHS STEM OPT Eligible Categories


DHS has added eight additional fields of study that are eligible for STEM OPT extension, after a person’s initial year of OPT has been exhausted.

The new fields and their respective CIP codes are:

Landscape Architecture (04.0601)
Institutional Research (13.0608)
Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering Technology/Technician (15.0407)
Composite Materials Technology/Technician (15.0617)
Linguistics and Computer Science (30.4801)
Developmental and Adolescent Psychology (42.2710)
Geospatial Intelligence (43.0407)
Demography and Population Studies (45.0501)

More information can be found on the Federal Register website, which includes all of the eligible CIP codes for a STEM Extension EAD.


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